
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Firefox 3.7 Download

Firefox 3.7 Download is available for the user's.Mozilla project released new trial web-browser Firefox 3.7.Firefox 3.7 is more secure,fast and reliable then the older version's.Firefox is the best Internet Browser In the World.Lot's of new updates inMozilla 3.7 are :-


  1. Extensions Manager been completely reworked and is now a tab on your Web browser;
  2. Now you can change the location of the tabs and move it into the top box applications;
  3. Added support for an open video codec and multimedia container VP8 WebM;
  4. On the Windows platform was supported hardware acceleration O;
  5. Added support for infrastructure API Mac OS X Cocoa NPAPIUsed by the Flash Plugin 10.1 and Java plugin from Apple;
  6. Enables pending construction of frames to increase the speed of dynamic pages;
  7. Improved performance JavaScript;
  8. New built-in page about: memory shows the memory layout of a web browser;
  9. They began to formally meet the 64-bit versions for Windows, Linux and MacOS X.
  10. Added new HTML parserThat improves support for HTML5 (for example, now you can not make SVG and MathML, and add them directly to the source of the page) and allows you to get rid of many errors of the old parser. Added support for interfaces FormData and Control forms HTML5.
  11. Became supported CSS-tag :-Moz-any ();
  12. Added new ChromeWorker support jsctypes;                                                    


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