
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tricks In Google

Photo: Hai here i have given twelve exciting things in google for you and also made a tutorial of the below awesome tricks in google. Video Link

0.‘Askew’ Your Google Search Results

Do a search on Google for askew

Feeling a little tipsy?

1. Tilt!

If you’re using Google on either Chrome or Safari, go ahead and Google the word “tilt”, and the entire screen tilts a bit to the right!

2. Do A Barrel Roll

It’s simple and works just like Tilt- go and Google the phrase “do a barrel roll” and watch what happens!

3.Let Me Google That For You

Don’t you absolutely hate when someone asks you “hey, what’s (so-obvious-thing)” when they could just Google it and immediately know what you’re talking about? LMGTFY is a site that allows you to be a total smartass. Just type in the search object for them, then hand them the tinyurl link. They’ll feel silly and you’ll feel awesome!

4.Google Doodles

This page here is a history of all the sites’ Google Doodles- not just American versions, but those the site hosts all around the world.

5.Google Gravity

This is perhaps the coolest Google trick of all, so cool that I won’t even ruin the surprise for you. Go ahead and try it here, and don’t be afraid to search. You can even move things around!

6.Google Sphere

This will make your google image search page look like a sphere.

7.Slay The Dragon

In Google Docs, open any spreadsheet and if you press Shift+F12, a message will pop up announcing “Dragon slain! Congratulations, you’ve slain the dragon!”

8.Google Pacman

Loved the Google Pacman doodle and want to play with that logo again? No fear!

9.Epic Google

Open, Type Epic Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Each component on the page will start growing bigger and bigger.

10. Google Hacker

Open, Type Google Hacker in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. How google will look if it was made by a hacker.

11.Annoying Google

Open, Type Annoying Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.

12.Chuck Norris

Open, Type Find Chuck Norris in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.Remaining Tricks will be coming in my next post.

Enjoy the Tricks,Enjoy the Life.

Hai here i have given twelve exciting things in google for you and also made a tutorial of the below awesome tricks in google. Video Link

0.‘Askew’ Your Google Search Results

Do a search on Google for askew

Feeling a little tipsy?

1. Tilt!

If you’re using Google on either Chrome or Safari, go ahead and Google the word “tilt”, and the entire screen tilts a bit to the right!

2. Do A Barrel Roll

It’s simple and works just like Tilt- go and Google the phrase “do a barrel roll” and watch what happens!

3.Let Me Google That For You

Don’t you absolutely hate when someone asks you “hey, what’s (so-obvious-thing)” when they could just Google it and immediately know what you’re talking about? LMGTFY is a site that allows you to be a total smartass. Just type in the search object for them, then hand them the tinyurl link. They’ll feel silly and you’ll feel awesome!

4.Google Doodles

This page here is a history of all the sites’ Google Doodles- not just American versions, but those the site hosts all around the world.

5.Google Gravity

This is perhaps the coolest Google trick of all, so cool that I won’t even ruin the surprise for you. Go ahead and try it here, and don’t be afraid to search. You can even move things around!

6.Google Sphere

This will make your google image search page look like a sphere.

7.Slay The Dragon

In Google Docs, open any spreadsheet and if you press Shift+F12, a message will pop up announcing “Dragon slain! Congratulations, you’ve slain the dragon!”

8.Google Pacman

Loved the Google Pacman doodle and want to play with that logo again? No fear!

9.Epic Google

Open, Type Epic Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Each component on the page will start growing bigger and bigger.

10. Google Hacker

Open, Type Google Hacker in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. How google will look if it was made by a hacker.

11.Annoying Google

Open, Type Annoying Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.

12.Chuck Norris

Open, Type Find Chuck Norris in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.Remaining Tricks will be coming in my next post.

Enjoy the Tricks,Enjoy the Life.


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