
Sunday 22 July 2012

Linux-distributions Lubuntu 10.04 and EasyPeasy 1.6 New versions

Linux-distributions Lubuntu 10.04 and EasyPeasy 1.6 New versions

Lubuntu 10.04, lightweight assembly Ubuntu 10.04 c desktop-based desktopenvironment LXDE.It's designed to be a lightweight and easy-to-use desktop environment.While supporting the work in the Live-mode, is 521 MB. The purpose of Lubuntu - creating undemanding to system resources variant Ubuntu, lighter thanXubuntu and able to work on older PCs with 128 MB of RAM.

Of the applications included in the basic delivery, it may be noted:

  1. File Manager Pcmanfm 0.9.5 (rewritten to trigger gio / gvfs);
  2. Web-browser Chromium,
  3. Display manager Lxdm,
  4. Paint program MTPaint,
  5. Viewer PDF - ePDFView,
  6. Music Player Aqualung,
  7. Video player Gnome-mplayer,
  8. Software for recording CD / DVD - xfBurn.
  9. E-mail client Sylpheed,
  10. Program for instant messaging Pidgin,
  11. Bittorrent-client Transmission,
  12. Spreadsheet Gnumeric,
  13. Text editor Abiword,
  14. Program for viewing photos GPicView

More Info at :-


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